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a very special... 

...customer was in Holiday tonight with his gorgeous mom.  i get to see these two quite a bit and it's always a treat.  he has been coming in before he could walk.  and when he started walking (and playing soccer and lacrosse and every other sport in the world) watch out!  Holiday could be turned upside down in seconds flat.  we've had bowling matches by the cashmere, long jump contests (with costume jewelry as markers for our best jumps) and have gotten into all kinds of trouble while his patient mom browsed the racks.  tonight was no different.  

wait?  where did he go?  o there he is.... 

cheeeeeeky! ok you!  come here- i want a good shot!

after this photo he did some awesome karate moves and was gone!

but he sure did leave his mark...

my kinda kid!

Reader Comments (2)

Ha!!! I too looove when Johnny comes in. One of my favorite visits included setting up an entire football field, all the little plastic players and goal posts on the mirror side table. Johnny looked at me and said, "Really?! We can set this up on the glass table?!!"

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnge

Omg - cannot stop laughing! Hes a well rounded little guy!!!!

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkc

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