
dontcha think?


she's at it again...

and I am totally all over this top!



Holiday has its very own British Kate- Kate Botts- aka Kitty.  And trust me, she speaks the Queen's English.  I got a text from her this morning while I was still in bed, "DID YOU SEE THE DRESS?" she asked.  I thought it would be appropriate to hear Kate's opinion of this very royal day.....

Kitty writes...

"I didn't think I would wake up early to watch "the wedding" but being British I think my body woke up on its own, not at 4 a.m. but a more civilized time of 5:33.  I jumped out of bed and to my sofa realizing I was more excited than I thought.  It was the perfect time, Prince Charles and Camilla had just arrived at the Abbey, followed swiftly by the Queen and Prince Phillip.  Then the moment we had all been waiting for, a glimpse of the dress as Kate got in the was just as I had pictured in my mind although the skirt was fuller.

During the service I proudly sang along to the hym and did those feet with happy tears (sorry to neighbors if I was off key).  I haven't seen the kiss yet as heading out to a friend's in the burbs... God Save The Monarch!

I'll have one of each...

...and a Prince, please.


and by the way... this is me!

(yes, i'm wearing a theatrical flower headband- i chickened out of the turban) and my 11 year old constant companion, ruby.  more on her later.  we'll do a complete "meet the cast" of the shop soon.

 -jess & rubes


a lovely suggestion