cable girl
August 30, 2011 | in whimsy
while i still feel like this- i am quite loving her cable knit headband. actually- cable is my favorite kind of knit. i saw my first-of-the-season cardigan on a customer yesterday and it confirmed my excitement for all things FALL and cozy.
bardot makes it sexy (want that pinky ring and i sooooooo wish smoking was good for you).
dying to wear this Holiday poncho with skinny suede pants (coming soon- yes i ordered suede pants for the shop!) and Pretty Ballerinas
i regard myself lucky that Mark actually rocks jumpers like this
i MUST track some of these down for the store! so cute, no?
i will live in these at home
a pretty fall staple
i tried to learn last winter- um- it was a disaster... ange?
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