
2 sweet things

i love this little character sketch...  

and the potential of this magical jar



a thoughtful pause

i have a confession- i generally dislike 99.9% of fashion adverts in magazines.  the flash/sex/open mouth look does not make me want to buy a brand.  some of it is just so distasteful and unimaginative.  while perusing the latest W- one of the only images i stopped and paused at was stella mccartney's.  i love model natalia vodianova- but i really liked her pensive expression, the position of her hands and the maze behind her.  it doesn't seem as if she will ask anyone what she should do or where she should go.  she will figure it out and is taking a moment or two to do so.  (that was my gut read on the image).  

and on the topic of a refreshing thoughtful pause, i find these two self portraits from Madelene Lindquist's Swedish blog, Le Portillon, to be both beautiful and interesting.  

this could absolutely sell me so much more than the boredom-inspired T & A everywhere in advertising.

(o boy- can't you tell i'm in a bitchy mood?)


back to (charm) school

i just came across these pencil sets by "bouncingballcreation" on etsy.  seriously?  i adore! so clever, romantic and witty!  $6 bucks a bunch.  although i hardly ever use a pencil- wouldn't this make a cool eyeliner?  (hardly ever us eyeliner either and cosmetic companies really don't cator to the literary set- do they?  so maybe a dumb idea, jess).  regardless, i am smitten.



romeo & juliet


cable girl

while i still feel like this- i am quite loving her cable knit headband.  actually- cable is my favorite kind of knit.  i saw my first-of-the-season cardigan on a customer yesterday and it confirmed my excitement for all things FALL and cozy.

bardot makes it sexy (want that pinky ring and i sooooooo wish smoking was good for you).

dying to wear this Holiday poncho with skinny suede pants (coming soon- yes i ordered suede pants for the shop!) and Pretty Ballerinas

i regard myself lucky that Mark actually rocks jumpers like this 

i MUST track some of these down for the store!  so cute, no?

i will live in these at home

a pretty fall staple

i tried to learn last winter- um- it was a disaster... ange?


irene bouquet

after the storm we took a walk in the misty, scotland-like air down to the pond.  we had limbs down everywhere and our field was wind-flattened.  (barbour + hunters + yale hat = perfect après hurricane gear).

frizzy ruby

the wild flower garden got a little roughed up, too.

snip snip

and TA DA... i added a few strewn branches from the driveway... 


and my hurricane/zero-dollars arrangement is complete!

the fish got fed, too...